Answer questions and/or reveal more during a video [Interactive Video]


Interactivity Need: I want to Answer questions and/or reveal more during a video [Interactive Video].
H5P Content Type: Interactive Video

Stimulus Features

Stimulus TypeGradableAutomated Feeback OptionMultimedia
CombinationYesDependent on optionsText, Image, Video


Drag and Drop; Drag the Words; Essay; Fill-in-the-Blanks; Image Choice; Mark the Words; Multiple Choice; True/False

Example 1

Note: The following video has a music track only. Scroll beneath the video for text description.

Text Description

Oh, no! There’s not a word for that! That’s OK. We don’t need a lot of money to make up our own words. No, really. It’s called a “neologism.”

Shakespeare did it. He gave us nearly 2,000 neologisms that today are common words (amazement, eventful, laughable, obscene). Neologisms can be made by combining existing words into one, such as “Oh, happiday!” (What a happy day!) or by adding new elements to existing words (problement: to implement nothing but problems). Or finally, if other words have been tried and still don’t fit, coin a new word. Just make up a new word from scratch (opfinard: the end of the road). If others start using it, it will end up in the dictionary. Discover more: How a Word Gets Into the Dictionary. Words are what we make them. The Opfinard.

Video created using PowToon.

Production Notes

  1. Can disable forward and/or backward navigation.
  2. Can set video start time.

H5P Pedagogy Guide © 2025 by Penn State Behrend Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0