Interactive Stimuli

Search by pedagogical objectives, content type, or functionalities.

I want students to:

Answer questions and/or reveal more during a video [Interactive Video]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video

Arrange text in order [Sort the Paragraphs]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Choose a category for dichotomous questions or claims [True/False]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Choose one best answer from provided options [Single-Choice Set]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Choose one or more best answers from provided options [Multiple Choice]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Click to expand or reveal more information [Accordion]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text

Click to reveal more on an image [Hotspots]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Enter missing words or phrases in a whole [Fill in the Blanks]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Enter missing words or phrases in discrete elements [Flashcards]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image

Explore information in date context [Timeline]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Free-write according to a set of distinct prompts [Structure Strip]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Free-write with automated feedback [Essay]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Highlight words in a text [Mark the Words]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Inspect images in sequence [Image Slider]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image

Inspect images that morph/blend [Agamotto]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image

Investigate an image-based environment [Virtual Tour (360)]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Dependent on options

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Move text or images into zones [Drag and Drop]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text, Image

Move words or phrases into sentences or paragraphs [Drag the Words]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Navigate and/or interact with horizontally oriented slides [Course Presentation]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Dependent on options

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Navigate based on choices [Branching Scenario]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Navigate paginated information and/or activities [Interactive Book]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Dependent on options

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Record and download a .wav file [Audio Recorder]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Audio

Respond to prompts and export a document [Documentation Tool]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image

Respond to questions of various types [Quiz (Question Set)]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image

Scroll through information and/or activities [Column]

Stimulus Type: Combination

Gradable: Dependent on options

Automated Feedback: Dependent on options

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Select from provided images [Image Choice]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video, Audio

Select statements to build a larger text [Summary]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: Yes

Automated Feedback: Yes

Multimedia: Text

Take guided notes on a video, audio, or text [Cornell Notes]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Video, Audio

Turn cards to reveal more [Dialog Cards]

Stimulus Type: Single-purpose

Gradable: No

Automated Feedback: No

Multimedia: Text, Image, Video