Navigate paginated information and/or activities [Interactive Book]


Interactivity Need: I want to Navigate paginated information and/or activities [Interactive Book].
H5P Content Type: Interactive Book

Stimulus Features

Stimulus TypeGradableAutomated Feeback OptionMultimedia
CombinationDependent on optionsDependent on optionsText, Image, Video, Audio


Accordion; Agamotto; Audio Recorder; Chart; Collage; Course Presentation; Dialog Cards; Documentation Tool; Drag and Drop; Drag the Words; Essay; Fill-in-the-Blanks; Guess the Answer; Iframe Embedder; Image Choice; Image Hotspots; Image Slider; Interactive Video; Mark the Words; Memory Game; Multiple Choice; Quiz (Question Set); Single Choice Set; Summary; Timeline; True/False

Example 1

Click “Enter Lesson” to begin the adventure. When the lesson is open, use the “hamburger” button in the upper-left corner to open and close the main navigation menu. To advance through each page in order, you may also use the carets next to the lesson page number. Use the arrow with the crossed buttons to open the lesson in full-screen view, and press the “Escape” key on your keyboard to exit full-screen. Note that this lesson does not use cookies, and your progress is not saved upon exit. Simply note where you are so you can pick up where you left off the next time. Checkpoints and games are neither saved nor recorded in the grade book. Take notes, and practice as often as you like!

Production Notes

  1. Cover optional. Book is essentially a collection of columns with a table of contents that can be optionally displayed.
  2. Summary display and progress indicators are optional.
  3. On a Canvas page, manually set height to accommodate longest columns.

H5P Pedagogy Guide © 2025 by Penn State Behrend Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0